Context: A decline in ratings, an increase in streaming, and constant ethical controversies have plagued awards shows in recent years. This is a concept and identity for the IMG Maker Awards, a cross-industry event recognizing image making as a contemporary currency.  
Approach: The visual language is inspired by tabloid culture and religion. The marked-up contact sheets represent the power dynamics involved in image making, while the regalia affirms that we are in an era of celebrity worship, treating viral images with a reverence once reserved for religious idols. I worked as a team of one and was responsible for the brand strategy, identity, typography, layout, motion graphics, video editing, and production of 3D items. 

The invitation gift box was meant to inform and entertain attendees.

The gift box includes: printed invite, secret vault of nominee portraits, view finder with bonus images.

These out-of-home (OOH) ads act more like pop art than traditional ads. 

The front and back of each printed nominee portrait. 
Photos: Bella Hadid by Luca Tombolini;  Kim Kardashian by Nadia Lee Cohen; Rihanna by Diggzy

This step-and-repeat photo backdrop and promotional trailer round out the marketing materials.